Every time I've sat down to write my story it gets away from me. It's so difficult not to be emotional about something so personal. I'm coming up on the one-year date I stopped all my meds (save Premarin) cold turkey and had no adverse effects.
Matter of fact, cannabis has given me more life than I thought a year ago! This past weekend my husband and I tilled a garden plot and I put together a lettuce garden I am so anxious to see succeed! I've never been good at caring for plants but the need to grow my own medicine has given me new lease on my black thumb and I am seeing a few good effects. I have non-GMO seed (try to find corn that's non-GMO - it's so difficult!) and we started Bokashi composting. I am hoping beyond hope I can learn enough to grow my own medicine soon.
As for my medical cannabis situation? I lost two caregivers - one in January and one last month. Took me MONTHS to get my card renewed because I couldn't find another doctor who would sign my statement. The one here said he wouldn't accept me as a patient into the MMJ program, but I am ALREADY IN THE PROGRAM. He wouldn't renew me.
But my doctor (who said he'd NEVER write a prescription or sign a recommendation) said I was a reasonable candidate and SIGNED! I had tears of gratitude - still do sometimes.
So, now the garden is ready, I need to outline where everything is going and GET PLANTING! I'm apprehensive, but the thought of picking the corn and eating it RIGHT THEN is so exciting! My brother, cousins and I used to eat it straight from the garden while sitting IN the garden. My aunt wasn't too happy about that but I think it had more to do with ruining our dinner. Raw corn, still warm from the sun, nothing better!
Also getting the caravan ready for this summer. We've been going bonkers because we want to get out of town! Anyplace but here, really, but things are not yet open. You can make reservations for camp spots online through http://www.reserveamerica.com/camping/Montana/r/campgroundDirectoryList.do?contractCode=MT We stayed at Wayfarer's State Park last summer and I highly recommend doing the online reservation! We will be doing it again this summer (different parks) because it is so convenient. If you want to do things with credit cards, this is perfect - pay before you go and never worry!
Getting to be time to medicate. I think I'll sit outside and enjoy a little sun with my medicine. I will be more thorough later - I have LOADS to post!
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