Monday, June 20, 2011

And we wait........

Fortunately we don't have to wait too long.  I want to be optimistic about the whole hearing - the lawsuit filed against the State of Montana in regards to Senate Bill 423 - I do want to be upbeat and believe the judge will find in our favor.

And I am very scared.

I have lived with pain over 30 years, spent the last 10 on huge doses of morphine.  Sometimes I'd need to get 1-2 shots of demerol in a week to help manage breakthrough pain.  After being on heavy narcotics (Fentanyl included) I have determined two things.

1) Morphine nearly works in relieving pain.

2) Demerol makes you so you just don't CARE that you are in pain.

And something I have recently discovered - AFTER TRYING MEDICAL CANNABIS:  I have a life!

Really - I am still working on getting up the strength to clean the house, do the laundry and enjoy some outside activities, but I didn't know I'd actually LOOK FORWARD to doing things!  I want to take a shower and I actually have the energy to get up and do it!  For the first time since I can remember, I'm getting up before 8am most mornings!  On all the narcotics, if I woke up by 10am, that would be a miracle! Some days I would surface and look at the time, then I'd be aware I'd done that again and again, and it would be nearly noon.  I don't have all the cloudiness now.

My husband and I have been able to drive around, go out for dinner (I have an appetite!) and take walks with each other.  He says it's "like night and day" and I have to agree with him.

So, as we wait for the case to wrap up, wait for the judge to render his decision, the whole state has stopped breathing.

Or so it feels.  I need to remind myself to keep breathing.  Now if only I could tell the opponents to medicinal cannabis to get their heads out of the ground, READ THE SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH, and STOP THE DISCRIMINATION...

Wow - I think I just did!  Next person on my "must tell" list - my father. I am accumulating the books and papers I believe I'll need to ward off any anti-pot stuff I know he'll share with me.  He's a recovering alcoholic and the anti-cannabis sentiments are rampant with him.  When he finds out - I am scared of his reaction but mostly because I won't be prepared to rebut his false beliefs.  If you have something that you believe might be a help to me and others who need to hear the TRUTH, please let me know!

And keep breathing - slowly and regularly.  Inhale... exhale...  it's gonna be okay.  Eventually.

And that I need to believe most of all.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Grow my own?

Something I feel that needs to be published LOUD AND CLEAR... How can people discriminate against someone because of the medicine that helps them?  I mean...

If I needed morphine, and my doctor agreed, I would NOT be allowed to grow the poppies that my medicine will come from.  I would not need to find a place that would allow me to grow my own medicine.  I would not have to reimburse someone what they are out for raising it for me.  I would not have to be COMPLETELY responsible for my medicine, yet this is what I am expected to do in Montana under Senator Essman's advice.

Why am I writing this? Because I am not able to grow a plant.  Really.  I've killed a cactus - and it wasn't from over- or under-watering!  Plants and I have a love-hate relationship.  I love plants and they hate it when I come near them.  I wish I were exaggerating.  Let me share with you an experiment my husband and I conducted...

We have a nice little house.  In front of our home, we both decided to plant some bulbs and have a wonderful spring garden.  Our order arrived and we each took one side of the front yard and planted our bulbs per directions from the nursery.  My husband's flowers have been BEAUTIFUL for years.

My flowers haven't come up.  The only thing that has come up are two bulbs - a tulip and a grape hyacinth - planted after they were broken apart.  I put them in the ground hoping they might grow one day but expecting nothing from them.  They have grown and flourished.  The other flowers I planted?  Nothing.  I can't even tell they were even there!  Anyone who pulls up to our home sees the beautiful flowers my husband planted.  My side of the house? EMPTY.  Dead.  Sad...

I feel that sorrow, especially when one is told, "YOU MUST GROW YOUR OWN MEDICINE."

Now, I am an intelligent woman, I know a little about a lot of things.  However, I do NOT have a degree in chemistry or horticulture and I will be the first to say when I don't know something.  I KNOW I am NOT ABLE to grow or produce the MEDICINE I NEED.  I need someone who can grow the cannabis for me. I don't have much money but I will pay for what I use - I do NOT expect someone to give me something like this!  I am NOT a person who is ENTITLED to anything other than the rights recognized by the government - the right to LIFE, liberty, the pursuit of happiness.

Those rights are being taken from me in the actions of our state legislature and the Department of Justice and Drug Enforcement Administration.  I fear my caregiver will be raided.  I fear my caregiver will lose the ability to grow and provide my medication.  This fear is something I wake up with every morning.

Please help those in your community by standing up to the government and saying, "BE REASONABLE!"  I am so disappointed that fear-mongering has caused an issue that has saved my life to become something that has so many untruths and falsehoods associated with it.  Please research the TRUTH, find FACTS, and PUBLISH THEM for all to read!  Write to your paper and tell them how you feel.  Stand with those of us who need medicinal cannabis and pray you'll never need a medicine like this.  When you need it, it won't be there unless you speak up and demand to be heard!

Sorry for all the capital letters - I am getting off my soapbox for now!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

What I've been doing

I have been really busy with LIFE!  I can't tell you how amazing it is to say that!  This post, however, is due to the need to address medicinal cannabis laws in the United States.  I am writing an e-mail to my US representative, Denny Rehberg, R-MT.

This is what I've decided to send...


As a medicinal cannabis patient in Montana, I am living in fear. For over 30 years I have suffered from chronic pelvic pain with no diagnosable cause.  I first tried medicinal cannabis about 10 weeks ago.  As of June 1st, I am finally off all the morphine I have had to take for well over a decade!  As for my decision to pursue the use of medicinal cannabis, I did as much research as I could before I decided to try it.   I will not smoke cannabis, however I believe people who smoke medicinal cannabis do so because it best addresses their symptoms. I have chosen to ingest it and this is where I am running into huge problems with the law of the state of Montana and the laws of the USA.  I have been given the right to use cannabis by my compassionate fellow voters and the benefits I have found (other than pain relief) have been wonderful!  I was able to attend my son's wedding in another state less than 2 weeks after I found a chemist who can make the tinctures and lozenges I need to get through the day.

What I am most afraid of is that I will need medicine after July 1, 2011, and I will find my caregiver either out of business or I'll find his business attacked by the DEA in a show of farce - and I say FARCE because I believe the Department of Justice and DEA both know they need to let alone those who grow and use medicinal cannabis.  What are people like myself supposed to do?  I cannot grow my own cannabis and I certainly cannot extract the medicines from the cannabis, as I am not a chemist and I do not have the equipment or the knowledge.

I know the American public overwhelmingly supports medical marijuana, and I'm writing to ask you, as my elected representative, to uphold your constituents' wishes. These bills are a simple and effective solution that would settle states' confusion over the implementation of medical marijuana programs once and for all.

The care and treatment of a person's pain, health issues, and quality of life should not be decided by politicians or voters - it should be decided by a physician and the person themselves.  A patients' quality of life should not be threatened by the executive branch's latest whims.  I believe you respect this idea and this is why I am writing to you.  I don't want other people to live in the fear I currently experience because of the laws related to medicinal cannabis.  That's why I'm asking that you support HR 1983, 1984, and 1985 which would unambiguously protect medical marijuana programs under federal law.

Please show the people of Montana that you respect their voice, their vote, to give people who have pain and other health issues the relief and compassion they deserve as a human.  Until the federal government decides to leave the cannabis community alone, we need your strong voice and your compassion to help us in this fight.  Please help us convey to the federal government that Americans - HUMANS -  have the right to live a healthy and happy life and until the federal government acts, those who provide and who rely upon this life-changing medicine need to be protected.

Please don't disappoint your constituents!

I need to sit down and write up what has changed since I tried MMJ.  As you've read in my letter to Rep. Rehberg, it has been an amazing thing to come into my life!  I can honestly say I have never met more awesome and intelligent people than those fighting for the legalization of medicinal cannabis.  People who have immense compassion for others, yet will stand up and tell you where you are wrong.  It's done in a very loving manner and I am so grateful for these people!  I only wish, pray, hope, that this issue becomes moot very soon!

Friday, March 25, 2011

I made the call...

After having two miserable weeks with pain I haven't had for a long time, I opened my newspaper today to find it is FRIDAY!  I really thought today was Wednesday or Thursday. I did a little running around yesterday but nothing felt like it was a Thursday.

So I've been really fighting the past few days to find some relief from the chronic pain.  (I just had a thought that maybe I should give it a name - guess I'll toss that around for a while!)  I broke down and made the call to my caregiver.   I have never - repeat, NEVER - taken a drug that wasn't prescribed for me except some over-the-counter stuff for colds, headaches, and the like.  I reiterated that I won't smoke the medical marijuana, that I am most interested in edibles and I did talk briefly about using a vapor unit.  Right now I am in so much pain I can't really think straight and writing this is helping to take my mind off things.

Tom has someone to help him with his caregiving services.  His name is Ray (changed for privacy) and he was very compassionate.  I hope to meet with the two of them tomorrow and I'll have my hubby with me so I can get his input, although he's just as in the dark about this as I am.  I'll mostly be going on their counsel and prayer.

After I got off the phone I experienced more nausea but I don't know if that's due to nerves or the pain. I know the MMJ will help with the nausea, pain and the insomnia I've had lately.  Sleep during the past couple weeks has been rare - many meds I've been able to rely upon before haven't touched the sleeplessness.  I have thought (more than once), "Some medical pot would really help right now..."

This is still all very scary to me but I know I have two really compassionate guys to help me through this and my hubby is always there with the hugs even though he feels awfully helpless when he can't do anything.  I'll let you know how my first experience with MMJ goes.  Cross your fingers and say a prayer because I need them right now!

Monday, January 24, 2011

What a busy time it's been!

In mid-December I decided to bite the bullet and interview a couple caregivers. The second person I called, Tom (name changed for privacy reasons,) seems to be the PERFECT fit and I am very lucky I was able to get in touch with him!  Almost immediately after I met with Tom I was called by another caregiver in the area and he really pressured me to tell him how much I was going to pay for my MMJ.  I am NOT going to say how much I am going to pay for my medicine!  I was so turned off by this guy - I hope I am not proven wrong in my decision.

Right after I had Tom sign my caregiver form, I dropped it in the mail.  I've been waiting for my check to clear and in the meantime I took a road trip to Phoenix to pick up my daughter and twin grandsons.  When we saw them, Jan 5th, it was nearly two months after I last saw them.  How they have grown!  Nate took to me almost right away, Alex took a while.  They come to me when they want a snuggle or are tired and it's so neat to have a baby fall asleep in my arms again.

The trip back was long but I've enjoyed having the boys here!  They traveled very well!

After I got back home I looked to see if my check to the state for my MMJ card had cleared.  It had!  I've been sick with a bad cold or flu (not sure which) so I haven't been able to call Tom to get my first medicine. I'm still very hesitant but after today I think I need something.  Really.  I don't know what I'm going to do first - maybe make some cannibutter - but I need to try something.  I still refuse to smoke it.  I've had a really tough time getting to sleep lately and I've had much more pain and nausea.  One night, while I was in Phoenix, I caught myself saying, "I'll bet some marijuana would really help right now!"  It's quite scary to me, that kind of thinking.  I truly hope I can find relief with medical marijuana.